50 Following

Kate Brauning

YA author. HOW WE FALL coming Nov. 11, 2014 from Merit Press, F+W Media. Book evangelist. Optimist, enthusiast, fangirl. Represented by Carlie Webber

We Were Liars

We Were Liars - E. Lockhart Powerful, compelling writing. I was stunned by how deftly Lockhart used white space, fragments, and caps to convey emotion. Brilliant use of nonstandard effects that never disrupted the prose. It's a wildly compelling story, too-- chilling and truthful.

I had some very small issues with the way the ending worked, and how the "liar" element played out, and I wouldn't even care about those except I loved the book so much that I wanted it to be perfect. It's brilliant storytelling, and definitely, absolutely, immediately go read it. It's brilliant storytelling and genius writing.